Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McCain & Palin......Are you kidding me??

If you guessed this was going to be a political post, you win the prize. If you wish to stop reading now, I understand. If not, hold on. Here we go.

Although I am registered to vote, I am neither a republican or a democrat. I vote for the person who I believe will make the biggest difference. And this year, that WILL NOT be the republicans!!!  John McCain, despite them trying to convince you otherwise, is the twin George Bush never knew he had. I mean really. They had their convention in the "Twin Cities". Coincidence! I think not. Even they are trying to tell us something. I am so tired of hearing about how he fought for our country, was a P.O.W., and how much he was tortured. Now, that being said, I am very appreciative of his service for our country. I am sympathetic to the five years he spent being tortured, and am glad he did come home. But, that is where the admiration ends. No one affiliated with the republican party can speak about him, without mentioning his service. We get it. We have heard you loud and clear. Now, why don't you give me the reasons I should elect you president. Oh, wait, I know why. It's because there are none. The man talks out of both sides of his mouth. He continually states his senate voting record, but, there is too many inconsistencies. In the beginning, he was always saying that Barack Obama's message of change was only rhetoric. Now, he too is using the message of change. Guess it's not rhetoric anymore, because he is using it. 

Now, to be fair, I have listened to both of them speak. I have watched both conventions. And, even if I hadn't yet made up my mind, I wouldn't change my vote. I can't in good conscious vote for a man who has flip-flopped so many times. He has been in Washington almost 30 years. Then has the nerve to go out and tell us that "Washington is broken." Hello, weren't you one of the ones who broke it. It didn't just get broken, it has been broken!! If you are so concerned, Mr. McCain, why did you wait until now to "fix" it. You tell us that we need to end our dependence on foreign oil, by drilling offshore. Why, then, Mr. McCain
have you voted numerous times to keep that from happening. You said, Mr. McCain, that "the fundamentals of America's economy are strong", then went on to say how Americans were "sitting around the kitchen table wondering if they were going to be able to keep their homes, feed their families, and keep their jobs." Um, yeah, sounds like you are confused sir. If the economy is strong sir, people aren't worrying about those things. 

He also has stated that Obama hasn't been in Washington long enough. He doesn't know how things work there. Thank you Mr. McCain, you just made up my mind on who to vote for. Someone who hasn't been corrupted by Washington.

Now, as for Mrs. Palin. As a homeschool mom myself, I commend you. On having your child knowing he had downs syndrome, I commend you. Thats where it ends. You, Mrs. Palin, have a lot of nerve coming out of nowhere, and being under investigation, thinking you have earned the right to attack the opposing party. Mrs. Palin, you will never be the caliber of Senators Obama and Biden. I do agree, that your daughters pregnancy has no business in this campaign. So does Senator Obama. 

In addition Mrs. Palin, your political campaign, is trying to keep you personally from being attacked, and away from the national media. In your speech tonight, you criticized the media for doing their job. Welcome to Presidential election Mrs. Palin. You cannot run for the second highest office in the country, and expect to be left alone. Speculators and pundits are asking how Senator Biden should treat you in a debate. I say, you entered the "mens" club, when you accepted your nomination. You want to talk about how you are ready to take over and run the country if needed. You say you have just as much strength and backbone as your male counterpart. Well, Mrs. Palin, if that is true, the Vice presidential debates should go on as they usually do. If you are everything you say you are, then Senator Biden shouldn't have to treat you with kid gloves. Your in the big leagues now. I say, put up or shut up!!!!!

As I stated in the beginning. This was a political post. It is my opinion. How I feel. I truly believe that Obama & Biden will win in November, and go on to surprise the biggest nay sayers. I believe they could be just what Washington, and the American people need.

Until next time......

1 comment:

Michelle J said...

****Standing in my chair, clapping and screaming until I am hoarse and my palms are bleeding and I fall off my chair****